21 junho 2011

And today is the first day of summer..

E o verão chegouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Primeiro dia de verão com 33 graus :-)

Eu e minha irmã
My mother's swimming pool

4 comentários:

  1. It looks amazing! I have to go and visit Portugal some day! I saw an old episode of the 'Bacelorette' (the tv-show, have you seen it?) and they were in Lissabon- such a beautiful place! :)

  2. Natalie ( hakunamatata.blogg.se ):Hello, I responded to your blog, kisses
    Love your comments!!

    Al: Tks,..! :-P kiss

  3. Thank you for your great comment, you have a lovely blog aswell, you are beautiful :)
